
Just so you know, failure isn’t really what you are scared of, Rejection is.

So you must know there are times people won’t get you, they just can’t fathom your dreams and aspirations. There are times people would try to discourage you from pursuing your dreams, it’s just unrealistic they would say.

There are times friends would turn against you, Lovers would become Ex and life would be threatening to come down on you. There are times when your path would become lonely- times when you are the only one that sees it.

There are going to be times when you would want to give up. At sometimes, you, literally would give up and believe what they said; your dreams are just too unrealistic- you tell yourself, but deep within you, you know it is what you were made for.

You must understand that Life doesn’t come easy, ease is a greater threat to success that hardship. You have to understand that you stand in the shadows of greats, and you have to stop worrying about people getting you; don’t worry they would come along, some might even attribute your success to how hard they pushed you.

Nobody believed Muhammad Ali was the greatest until He actually became the greatest, Albert Einstein was considered a dull young child, a Physics misfit but He gave the world the Theory of relativity.
Abraham Graham Bell was only trying to make a hearing aid for his girlfriend when He mistakenly invented the telephone. Abraham Lincoln failed countless of times before He became president.

Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison for what He believed in, Thomas Edison gave us a usable light bulb after thousands of failed attempts. Bill Gates failed in his first business, Henry ford gave us the V6 engine after failing multiple times in business. Walt Disney was considered unfit for Hollywood, Oprah Winfery unfit for television, they said.
Chimamnanda couldn’t even get her first work published.

But do you know what they all had in common apart from failure, they were all misfits in a way, “rejects of society”. People just couldn’t get them -“what’s all the fuss about” they thought.
But do you know we all don’t know the name of the man and woman who told them they couldn’t become something.

So know that your dreams would cost you, because value is directly proportional to sacrifice; you would be betrayed, rejected and let down, don’t let that kill your fire. Even Jesus had to go through those to save Us all, Joseph was let down by his own brothers.

Just go ahead and Live, and be free from people pleasing because whether you like it or not some people won’t get you- small minds can’t fathom great ideas, you would have your Judases, and yes, it wouldn’t be easy but please do not give up your dreams because whether you know it or not; it would make our world a better place.

So please Live, and embrace rejection, and be Free…
And Dream and please Dream Big.
And Work, and work and work more and see your Dreams come alive.



Have a Blessed Thursday.

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